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Personajes de Salinas

Padre Antonio Polo

José Tonello
Voluntario salesiano procedente de Italia, llegó a Ecuador por medio de la ONG Operación Mato Grosso y fundó el Fondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progresio

José Dubach

Técnico en producción de lacteos suizo, llegó a Ecuador como parte del proyecto Queseras Rurales del Ecuador financiado por la Cooperación Técnica Suiza

Eloise Smith

“They help us in so many ways that I feel like we can truly call them a partner because they have become an extension of our team.”

Thomas Smith

“They help us in so many ways that I feel like we can truly call them a partner because they have become an extension of our team.”

Stella Smith

“They help us in so many ways that I feel like we can truly call them a partner because they have become an extension of our team.”

Ernest Smith

“They help us in so many ways that I feel like we can truly call them a partner because they have become an extension of our team.”

Eloise Smith

“They help us in so many ways that I feel like we can truly call them a partner because they have become an extension of our team.”

Thomas Smith

“They help us in so many ways that I feel like we can truly call them a partner because they have become an extension of our team.”
Religioso salesiano, nacido en Venecia Italia, llegó a Salinas como voluntario en los años 70 y desde entonces a liderado el proceso de desarrollo local